Galaxy Marketing Associates (“GMA”) offers a full spectrum of regulatory consulting and licensing service for the alcoholic beverage industry, nationwide. We have over 40 years experience with practically every situation needing governmental approval, so any company that makes or sells alcoholic beverages can benefit from our expert assistance. The team at “GMA” has been involved in every area of the beverage alcohol industry. From the supplier side, import side and even principals on the distributor side. We understand the needs of our customers.
We use a compilation and condensation of statutes, regulations, and administrative decisions from every state ( Control and Open ) on the sales and marketing of wine, beer and distilled spirits. A uniform topical approach makes the information you need easy to find. We help customers understand, Licensing, Direct Shipping, Franchise, Excise Tax Tables, and Federal and State regulations.
We’re Here to Help
GMA has the experience and expertise to support companies in all parts of the alcoholic beverage industry. Bring us any creative business ideas, and we’ll take the time to get to know you and your plans, and then work together with you to find the best way to achieve your goals.
Our clients regard us as a trusted business partner. When you ask questions and describe your situation we hold your information in the strictest confidence. As consultant’s, we are in a position to discuss your situations with regulators and get valuable feedback without revealing our client’s name or locations.
When we advise you, we explain government regulations in plain English to help you make informed and economically sound business decisions. When we help with licensing, we complete the forms, handle all requires steps, and follow the process through to issuance of all necessary alcoholic beverage approvals.
We spot issues before they become problems and keep track of the details to make everyone’s job easier---both our clients and the regulators we work with.