1. Galaxy’s primary job is to act as a liaison between wineries and Importers with the Distributor. We will work with our suppliers to build the supplier's brand for long term.
  2. Building new distribution partnerships is a comprehensive process and success is based on a mutual understanding of both of your long-term goals. In order to be successful, you need to think and act like a distributor - think of yourself as in the distribution business.
  3. Goal setting and monitoring with distributor management.
  4. Sales meetings, Education and sales incentives. Market work. Present new products.
  5. Trade Show support and trade events

We understand the inner workings of our distributors which will give Galaxy the best chance at successfully pitching your product to them. Know when they source new products and when they are way too busy to even consider adding a new SKU. Figure out their logistics system and calculate typical turn-around times. Find out what type of products they prefer and why. Offer them ample programming, margin and incentive packages for your new brands.

Galaxy’s primary job is to act as a liaison between wineries and importers with the distributor. We will work with our suppliers to build the supplier's brand for long term.
Building new distribution partnerships is a comprehensive process and success is based on a mutual understanding of both of your long-term goals. In order to be successful, you need to think and act like a distributor - think of yourself as in the distribution business.

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  • Office:

    Galaxy Marketing Associates, LLC
    Tennessee, Georgia, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina

  • Phone:
